Ramsar Center Japan

Ramsar Center Japan (RCJ) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that conducts research and educational activities, particularly on the relationship between wetlands and humans, with the goal of realizing the Ramsar Convention for the Conservation of Waterfowl and Wetlands and its basic principles of “Conservation” and “Wise use”.

Founded in May 1990, it is composed of natural and social scientists, specialists, and media representatives from Japan and other Asian countries. It is a voluntary, voluntary organization, managed by the will of its members and financed by membership fees. It has no independent office or full-time paid staff, and is operated on a volunteer basis.

From January 2020, Ramsar Center Japan joined the PWW project as a cooperating organization; from September 2024, Ramsar Center Japan will be responsible for website management and operation.

Shimpei Iwasaki, President,

Ramsar Center Japan