A large wave originating in a hypocenter at the ocean floor that surges over the land is called “津波” (tsunami) in Japanese.
津 (tsu) has the meaning of an inlet of ocean or river, often used as a harbor or boatyard. 波 (nami) is wave. The large wave (波) that flows in from the open sea to an inlet (津) is called a tsunami (津波).
The term ‘Tsunami’ came into general use around the world at the time of the 2014 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake that assaulted the countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.
Japan has frequent earthquakes, and, beginning with the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, it has experienced great damage from numerous tsunamis.
Shizugawa-wan (pwwj.org/the-oyster-aquaculture-revolution-shizugawa-wan/) was hit by the tsunami caused by the above earthquake and suffered heavy damage.
Therefore, in Japan, considering the risk of ‘Tsunami’, we are trained to flee coastal areas for high ground whenever an earthquake occurs.
Thus, inbound travelers, be sure to never forget the risk of the terrible ‘Tsunami’ !
Takayuki Musha